Organise a Conference – Welcome to the world of event planning! If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve been tasked with organising a conference and you’re feeling overwhelmed. But don’t panic – we’ve got your back. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll take you through everything you need to know about setting up an Octanorm stall for your conference. From choosing the right layout to designing eye-catching graphics, we’ll give you all the tips and tricks to make your event a success. So put on your thinking cap and let’s get started!

Introduction to Octanorm Stall

An Octanorm stall is a cost-effective and convenient way to organise a conference. It is a system of aluminum framing that can be used to create modular exhibition stands. Octanorm stalls are easy to set up and take down, and they can be reconfigured to create different shapes and sizes of exhibition space.

Advantages of an Octanorm Stall for Organising a Conference

An Octanorm stall offers a number of advantages for those organising a conference. Firstly, they are extremely versatile and can be adapted to any size or shape of conference space. Secondly, they are easy to assemble and disassemble, meaning that you can set up your stall in no time at all. Octanorm stalls are very cost-effective, making them the perfect choice for those on a budget.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Organise a Conference with an Octanorm Stall

If you’re looking to add an Octanorm stall to your next conference, this step-by-step guide will show you how to do it.

1. Decide on the size and layout of your stall. Octanorm offers a variety of sizes and layouts to choose from, so you’ll need to decide what will best suit your needs.

2. Choose the products you want to display. Octanorm has a wide range of products that can be used in stalls, so you’ll need to select the ones that are most relevant to your conference.

3. Set up your stall according to the instructions provided by Octanorm. This process is relatively simple and straightforward, but it’s important to follow the instructions carefully to ensure everything is set up correctly.

4. Make sure your stall is well-lit and inviting. Conference attendees will be more likely to visit your stall if it’s well-lit and inviting, so make sure to take some time to set up your lighting in a way that makes sense for your space.

5. Stock your stall with plenty of business cards and other marketing materials. You’ll want to make sure you have plenty of business cards and other marketing materials on hand so that attendees can easily get in touch with you after the conference.

– Planning the Event

If you’re planning on organise a conference, then chances are you’ll need to invest in an Octanorm stall. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to go about doing so:

1. Decide on the purpose of your conference. This will help you determine the size, scope, and format of your event.

2. Choose a date and venue that are conducive to your event’s purpose. Keep in mind the cost, accessibility, and availability of the venue when making your decision.

3. Create a budget for your conference. This will ensure that you don’t overspend on unnecessary items or services.

4. Start marketing your event to potential attendees. Use various channels such as social media, email, and print advertisements to get the word out there.

5. Once you have a good number of attendees registered, start working on the logistics of your conference. This includes booking accommodation and transportation for participants, as well as securing an Octanorm stall for exhibition purposes.

6. Make sure to have plenty of food and drinks available for attendees during the conference days. This will keep them energised and focused on taking part in the event activities.

7. Have some fun activities planned for after hours so that participants can relax and unwind after a long day of sessions and workshops. These can be anything from group dinners to city tours or bar crawls

– Designing the Layout

When it comes to designing the layout for your Octanorm stall, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, you’ll want to make sure that your stall is easily accessible and visible to potential conference attendees. Secondly, you’ll want to ensure that your stall is well-lit and has plenty of space for displaying materials and products. You’ll want to make sure that your stall is inviting and comfortable for both you and your attendees.

With these factors in mind, let’s take a look at a few tips for designing the perfect Octanorm stall:

1. Make sure that your stall is easily accessible and visible: One of the best ways to do this is by placing your stall near the entrance of the conference hall or in a high-traffic area. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure that your stall is well-lit so that it’s easy for potential attendees to see.

2. Ensure that your stall has plenty of space: You’ll need enough room to comfortably accommodate both you and your attendees, as well as any materials or products you plan on displaying. Octanorm stalls are typically 3m x 3m, so be sure to account for this when planning out your layout.

3. Make your stall inviting and comfortable: Remember, your goal is to make a good impression on potential conference attendees! Be sure to decorate your stall in an attractive way and make use of comfortable furniture so that people

– Choosing the Right Accessories

Choosing the right accessories for your Octanorm stall is important to ensure a successful conference. Here are some tips to help you choose the right accessories:

– First, consider what type of conference you will be hosting. Will it be a large international conference or a smaller local event? This will help you determine the size and type of accessories you will need.

– Second, think about the purpose of your conference. What do you hope to achieve with your Octanorm stall? Is it to promote your business or product, or to simply provide information to attendees?

– Third, consider your budget. How much can you afford to spend on accessories for your Octanorm stall? There are many affordable options available, so you should be able to find something within your budget.

– Make sure to choose accessories that are compatible with your Octanorm stall. This will ensure a seamless and professional look for your booth.

– Setting Up the Octanorm Stall

Assuming you have already decided to use an Octanorm stall for your conference, the next step is to set it up. This guide will go through all the necessary steps to get your stall ready for the big event.

1) Start by planning out the layout of your stall. Decide where each element will go and how you want it to look. The Octanorm system is very versatile, so you have a lot of freedom in terms of layout.

2) Once you have a plan, begin assembling the frame of your stall. The frame is made up of aluminum extrusions that fit together like puzzle pieces. If you need help, there are plenty of resources online or you can ask a member of our team.

3) With the frame in place, it’s time to add the panels.Octanorm panels are made of either wood or plastic and come in a variety of colors and finishes. You can mix and match the panels to create a unique look for your stall.

4) Now it’s time to add the accessories that will make your stall function properly. Things like lights, shelves, hooks, and signage all need to be taken into account. Again, the Octanorm system is very versatile so there are endless possibilities here.

5) Once everything is in place, take a step back and make sure everything looks good and is functioning properly. If not, make any necessary adjustments before your conference begins!

Organise a Conference :-

Tips for a Successful Conference with an Octanorm Stall

If you’re planning on hosting a conference with an Octanorm stall, there are a few things you should keep in mind to ensure its success. Here are a few tips:

1. Make sure you have a clear vision for your conference. What is the purpose of the event? What do you hope to achieve? Having a clear goal will help you stay focused and on track as you plan and execute your conference.

2. Choose the right venue. The venue you choose should be able to accommodate your Octanorm stall comfortably. It should also be conveniently located for your attendees.

3. Create a detailed floor plan. Once you’ve chosen your venue, it’s time to start planning out your Octanorm stall. A well-designed floor plan will help maximise the space and ensure that everything is where it needs to be.

4. Order high-quality Octanorm products. When it comes to setting up your Octanorm stall, quality is key. Be sure to order products from a reputable supplier who offers high-quality products that are built to last.

5. Hire experienced professionals to help with set-up and tear-down. Setting up and tearing down an Octanorm stall can be challenging, so it’s important to hire experienced professionals who know what they’re doing. This will save you time and hassle in the long run


We hope that this step-by-step guide to how to organise a conference with an Octanorm stall has helped you make the most of your event. With a little bit of planning and preparation, you can use Octanorm stalls to create the perfect setting for any type of conference. An Octanorm stall is an ideal solution for conferences requiring maximum adaptability and flexibility in design, as well as providing a space that looks great!


Organise a Conference – Article By – Vinoth Kumar

orange fabrication

Want to rent Octanorm Stalls?

Please don’t hesitate to call us at 9003631393 or 8870766660 or mail us at

Orange Fabrication Is A Company Of Orange Art Factory – Event Management Company